Express Yourself Through Movement

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ISTD Graded Ballet

About Class

ISTD Graded Ballet

Ballet is great for developing strength, flexibility, stamina and posture alongside musicality and artistic skills. Ballet is the basic foundation for most forms of dance, therefore we strive to teach ballet technique to an extremely high standard that is relative to each individual’s physique and ability.

Imperial Classical Ballet offers a range of learning opportunities and enables participants to enjoy physical expression as well as develop intellectual sensibilities. As they work together in Imperial Classical Ballet, candidates learn about cooperation and develop an understanding of the shaping of movement into artistic forms of expression. Candidates develop the skill and understanding of Imperial Classical Ballet, at the same time as building a sound technique, by developing the physical ability to communicate through movement expressively and artistically. A clearly defined structure allows learning to take place in the context of safe dance practice. The Graded Examinations build up progressively, ensuring that steps and skills learned at lower levels prepare for more complex movements as the candidate progresses. Also, a range of transfers to other dance genres becomes possible as the candidate develops physically and learns common skills such as running, use of arms, posture, timing and rhythmic awareness. In this way, with additional teaching input, the candidate can develop a broad base of dancing skills.

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